The Gloss-ary: B is for Beauty! - BeautyOfASite
June 29, 2016

The Gloss-ary: B is for Beauty!


 The Gloss-ary continues with some vital terminology for your beautiful self! Keep checking back for more editions to the gloss-ary, or browse what we already have!


 Beeswax: one of the oldest raw ingredients in cosmetic preparations, traditionally used as an emulsifier.
Benzoyl Peroxide: an antibacterial ingredient commonly used in acne treatments.
Bergamot: an antiseptic and bacterial growth-inhibitor known for its toning, antiseptic, and deodorizing qualities.
Beta carotene: orange-colored plant pigments, used in the manufacture of vitamin A.

Beta hydroxy : an exfoliating agent with a smaller molecule size than the alpha hydroxy.

Beta-glucan: a new ingredient derived from yeast, reported to enhance the skin's natural defense mechanisms.
Bioflavonoid: a plant derivative with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Usually derived from citrus fruit rinds.
Biotin : part of vitamin B complex. Involved in the metabolization of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
Blackheads: a term used to describe when the skin's pores are clogged by natural oils and impurities.
Botanical : refers to products derived from plants.
Botox : trade name for botulinum toxin. Used in tiny amounts, it can temporarily paralyze a muscle, and reduce or eliminate wrinkles or frown lines without harm.
Bronzer : a synthetic preparation that causes the skin to darken or appeared tanned.
Buffer: a pH balanced cleansing solution that improves the look and feel of the skin leaving it shiny and more supple.
Burdock : a root extract credited with antibacterial properties. May also reduce inflammations such as rashes, redness, acne, and eczema.
Butcher's Broom: botanical extract used to improve circulation and reduce facial redness. Also believed to have anti-cellulite effects.